Mass effect blue suns
Mass effect blue suns

Another surprise is the existence of whole classes of exoplanets that we simply don’t have in our solar system: planets with masses between the mass of Earth and Neptune, and planets that are several times more massive than Jupiter.

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Such systems do exist in large numbers, but many exoplanets and planetary systems are very different from those in our solar system.

  • Discuss the kinds of planetary systems we are finding around other starsīefore the discovery of exoplanets, most astronomers expected that other planetary systems would be much like our own-planets following roughly circular orbits, with the most massive planets several AU from their parent star.
  • Identify which kind of exoplanets appear to be the most common in the Galaxy.
  • mass effect blue suns

  • Explain what we have learned from our discovery of exoplanets.
  • By the end of this section, you will be able to:

    Mass effect blue suns