Skyrim portable house mod
Skyrim portable house mod

skyrim portable house mod skyrim portable house mod

The hall's entrance will face Dragonsreach once construction begins, and standing on its steps will offer an impressive view of the Throat of the World. It can be used to convert wheat into a sack of flour. Once built, the grain mill will appear along the house's western wall.

skyrim portable house mod

A unique feature at Heljarchen Hall is you have the option to build a grain mill. You can begin building your home immediately, with materials provided in the chest when you first arrive. The " Log Pile" is on the western border, and there are two clay deposits one is south of the log pile, next to the wood chopping block, and the other is just a few feet south of the stone quarry.

skyrim portable house mod

When you arrive on your new plot of land, you will find a drafting table, carpenter's bench, anvil, and chest on the outcropping on the south edge of the property a stone quarry is a few feet beyond the chest to the south, in the outcropping itself. It is also located almost directly over the central ruin in Blackreach. The property is southeast of the Tower of Mzark a short distance to the east is the giant camp Blizzard Rest, and you can see Dragonsreach rising behind Loreius Farm to the south. Your new property, Heljarchen Hall, will be marked as an undiscovered location on your map, located on the southern border of The Pale, where the northern mountains give way to the great plains of Whiterun Hold. When you ask if you can buy a house in the hold, you will be told that there are no houses for sale at that time, but a new plot of land is available. You will have to complete the quests Waking Nightmare and Kill the Giant before being allowed to purchase land if Skald is jarl Brina will allow you to purchase land out of gratitude for your help in installing her. If Skald is still the jarl, speak with him if Skald won't sell you the land, speak to Bulfrek if the Imperial Legion has control of the hold, speak with the new jarl, Brina Merilis. After installing Hearthfire, you may purchase this plot of land at The White Hall in Dawnstar.

Skyrim portable house mod